DERHOTEL Booking Services

On our DERHOTEL booking platform, you can find your dream hotel quickly, easily and reliably!

The best selection

DERHOTEL has a database of around 1 million hotels and a connection to Amadeus, Corporate Rates Club and to provide you with the widest possible selection. When searching, you will only be shown hotels that are actually available.

Always the best rates

DERHOTEL compares your individually negotiated company net rates with our most favourable market rates.

Flexible payment terms and integration into your systems

You can pay for the booked services either directly at the hotel or in advance by credit card; professional payment solutions are also possible. We offer you the option of integrating DERHOTEL into online booking tools such as Cytric, Onesto or Atlatos and setting up an individualised company link.

Your advantages

Discover our other services:

Your contact person:

Wiebke Losekamp
