Assumption of costs for hotels

Travelling on business and leaving the costs to the professionals

As a leading provider of business travel, we know how valuable your time is. Every minute counts, especially when organising your trip. That's why, in collaboration with DER BUSINESS Solutions and the hotel booking portal THEHOTEL an efficient solution that not only simplifies your hotel stay, but also handles the centralised billing of hotel services.

What you can expect from the assumption of hotel costs

Kostenübernahme Hotels DER BUSINESS Travel Geschäftsreisen

Just imagine: You book your hotel room and the costs are paid automatically in advance! This means you don't have to worry about on-site billing and avoid unnecessary manual hotel billing processes.

Your advantages with DERHOTEL

Smooth business trips thanks to centralised cost coverage

Concentrate fully on your business affairs and leave hotel expense accounting to the professionals. With our customised business travel solutions, we ensure that your business trips run more smoothly and effectively.

Contact us today to find out more about our business travel services and hotel reimbursement options.

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